Adam and Rachel - SURPRISE!

Rachel thought she was going to a "test shoot" with LA Weekly for a photoshoot about couples dating in the 21st century. She was told she and all of her friends and family joining would receive compensation for helping LA Weekly, like a Focus Group type of thing. We had a Hair and Make up Artist and also my Studio Manager, Lindsay, doing behind the scene video. All of her best friends and family had their photoshoot and I asked them questions about their dating life (you know, pretending I am the LA Weekly Photoshoot and Interviewer). 

Adam and Rachel's turn for the big surprise!

Finally, I told them to close their eyes and inch forward slowly into a kiss when Adam dropped a knee! When she opened her eyes, it suddenly became one of the best days of her life. 


Saturday I had the absolute honor of capturing two dear friends say, "I do!" They each had a little (well...not so little) surprise for each other. For Karen, Alex gifted her the most precious diamond necklace. For Alex, Karen gifted him a kayak...yup a kayak. How she pulled off that surprise, well, your guess is as good as mine. It was a beautiful day and great celebration of love. Here is a taste of the loveliness that was their day!! CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0268 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0269 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0270 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0271 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0272 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0273 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0274 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0275 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0276 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0277 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0278 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0279 CourtneyLindbergPhotography_062614_0280